Sunday, 17 February 2013

I Want To Be Remembered (this post is dedicated to lisa)

Ok I haven’t written in a while mostly because I have been busy starting videos on YouTube but I haven’t forgotten about my blog I have just had only sort of half-baked ideas and I started writing them but never knew how to finish and it felt quite forced and none of my other post felt like that so I wanted to wait until I had an idea that felt natural like my others. And here it is

Lately I have grown and changed a lot probably just in the last 4 months, and it has only hit me now how much I have grown and learned about myself, and one thing I have learned and accepted is my fears and insecurities and it’s so crazy for the first time in my whole life I genuinely don’t hate myself like seriously. I used to hate who I was so much. And now I am so unbelievably positive it’s ridiculous.
But, among all this thinking and acceptance, I was thinking about life and not just mine but living in general and people stories and baggage and also how people can have these entire lives and then just die and they are eventually forgotten like they will be remembered by a few close people they effect but after they have gone then that is it just completely gone all their memories all their dreams hopes fears and their impact to the world (unless they have had a huge contribution to the world like a famous person*) is gone and life goes on and things keep changing and I was thinking that that has happened for millions of years and doesn’t it make life seem kind of small and insignificant and all your problems kind of pointless as well.

Anyway just thought I would drop this depressing post on you and then leave you sad, and hoping that I will have some happy final sentence to leave you with and to change your mood all around … but nope that is all.


*when I say famous I don’t just mean celebrity I mean like and inventor, writer, politician. anything that would make you like a household name