Saturday, 27 April 2013

Lazy day song (Cautionary tale)

This song I have written is a cautionary tale, to all the young adults that are going to leave school or college with no plan, this will be your life.

Lazy day song

You wake up each morning quite promptly at eleven; roll over back to sleep for another hour... Or seven.
When you do get up it’s a rather classy affair. Check your nose, wash your face, brush your teeth and your hair. Walk a few steps and sit down and unwind, a day like this can be stressful mind.

Get your laptop or your phone whatever is near. Hash-tag and tweet a few things, while you’re at it remind everyone your still here.

As you mindlessly scroll, click and Google away a valuable way to waste your day. You sit and stuff yourself with a snack or two wondering why good things don't come to you

But as hours go by in front of the Tele you silently justify you’re just a little smelly,
When it gets late and the day is done all the things you had planned pushed one day along.

And that is the end of my lazy day song.

More of a poem but still...

(This is not a poem/song about me. Really it’s not, no seriously. Just kidding yes it is.)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Creative Writing Experience (not dedicated to Niamh)

Ok. so before I write this post I think I need to clarify, that the last post dedicated to Lisa was dedicated to her because she helped my with my confidence and self-esteem issues. Not because she is dead.

Anyway this post is about creative writing, but before I share my creative writing story I need to give some background to how this came about, Well I have been working with a woman (not Lisa a different woman) who is trying to get me back in to the community and make some friends to overcome the social anxiety issues I have, and one thing I asked her to help me find was a creative writing club/class so I could get better at writing and perhaps with better skills find a job writing later down the line, one of the creative writing classes she found was only on the other side of town, and from the look of the website it looked really promising but as I got there and was waiting for it to start my anxiety was increasing so the woman who helped find the class (let’s call her sue) said that maybe we should go inside and see what the room is like and maybe the guy running it will be there early and I could talk to him and that might calm my nerves.

 But when I walked in, it was a freezing cold and really dark in this room with no sign of anyone in sight and with this thing supposed to be starting in just over 5 minutes it didn't really help my anxiety, but after a minute or so a woman came through the other entrance of the building trying to drag a table in the room, as she sees us she introduces herself and we explain who we are, now this woman must have been by my estimations must have been at least 60, and I knew with this type of course I was going to be the youngest one in the room but it never really clicked until that moment that it was going to be an age gap that drastic anyway after all the introductions and a run though on how the group works, and a few shocked looks about  how I said I don’t drink tea or coffee, but then as the group was introduced to the activity we had a bag of hats passed round the room and listen to the group leader read a poem about changing hats that I don’t really feel like I understood but I feel like I got the general tone (a bit like a human talking to a dog) then with the hats we were given we had to create a character and write a monologue then read it aloud and this is what I came up with in 10 minutes 

Originality these days barely exists, I start to ponder as I stand in the back of a dusty charity shop look at jackets and hats that are probably older then I am.

I take off my own black hat and place it at my feet, while I put on a top hat with no top why would anyone donate this ? I take a sneaky picture and put in on Twitter and then keep looking, trying to find something no one else has, so I can stand out among the mindless sheep of today but doing this I start to hate myself slightly who do I think I am to be better than anyone else?

I put my hat back on and began to leave when I notice some hideous fringe vest and instantly I think that’s for me. I try it on and I hate it, I mean seriously hate it I couldn't hate an inanimate object more than I did this one but I have to have it no one else will so that makes it good right?

The story is pretty short but at the time and in my giant childlike hand writing it filled an A4 page so yeah

The End.

Oh yeah and my sister said that I should dedicate this post to some girl named Niamh who reads my blog, but Niamh if you’re reading this then I would like to say that this is not dedicated to you. Because you don’t like my blog fan page on Facebook (which only has like five likes which is pretty sad) so like my page and I will like you. 

The Real End.