I am ungrateful. And if you are reading this then I bet you
are to. (Sometimes)
Every day I wake up and squander another day, and millions
of people didn't even get to see the morning, someone I know has a friend that
has been given the weekend to live. Chances are as I am typing this he could
very well be taking his last breath.
All over the world people are dying and all I am concerned
with is seeing a film at the cinema or buying the new Stooshe album, now don’t get
me wrong I'm not saying I shouldn't do the little things I enjoy and I'm not
saying people should constantly only think in terms like this, but I think it
is so important that you remember there are much bigger things in life, so next
time you are annoyed at your parents that they didn't do that thing you asked
them or get that think you wanted, or maybe next time you pass a homeless
person in the street, would it really hurt you to give a pound or two or even
if you have it to spare £5, because really in the big picture that won’t affect
your life to give but it will help them so much.
Maybe just every once in a while just think how good you have
it, like really you and I are so, so lucky that we have somewhere warm at night
to lay our head and we have people that love us. We are lucky we have the choice at an
education and we are so lucky that we open our eyes today because not everyone
will be that lucky.
Saying life is short is a cliché so I won’t say that. but I will
say that each day you live is important so don’t squander it. I will try to do
the same.
“Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're real quite lucky.” ― Dr.