Friday, 13 January 2017

Pros and cons of being fat.

(What is pros and cons short for. Cba to google it)

The following list is from my personal experience,it is written from a lighthearted point of view and not intended to body shame or offend anyone. If I have then please let me know and I will try and be more thoughtful with future posts.


  • You can rest most things on your stomach while using them. i.e. phone, tablet, book or small child 
  • You are never cold therefore save money on coats
  • Most people think because you are fat you are tough so they don't fuck with you.
  • You aren't asked to do any activity that involves small spaces or balancing precariously on a chair to reach things 
  • If multiple passengers have to fit in a car, you will probably sit in the front 
  • (If like me a lot of mainstream shops don't stock your size, you buy things online) your outfit is always unique. And will never wear what everyone else is wearing


  • You develop a fear and hatred of flimsy chairs (I have broken two chairs before)
  • Other people think it's ok to comment on your weight and health
  • They also comment on what you eat whether it's health or unhealthy
  • You also hate restaurant chairs that are screwed in to the ground they have a lack of tummy space for the large human
  • Running for a bus or train is completely pointless (you probably won't catch it)
  • Summer is the sweatiest season
  • You can't wear clothing with junk food on it (someone will comment)
  • You will be judged, presumed lazy and unhygienic by horrible people

If you can think of anymore pros or cons to add feel free to comment, just please bear in mind to be respectful also if you can identify with any of the points above I hope it helps to know you aren't alone.