Friday, 23 November 2012

Things I wonder (it's terrific)

Just to let all my reader (notice no plural) know I am working on something that isn’t a list but it’s taking ages because I have very poor concentration and keep losing focus. so I will try my hardest not to give up on this and write it quickly but for now this will have to do
Things I wonder
1.       Will a combination of cheese and rice be nice or disgusting?
 I think that it could go either way, it could be a horrible abomination against taste buds, or it could be great and would make rice less boring and plain, and be an alternative to sauce.

2.       What happens after you die? 
Like really is it just nothing? And how can it seriously be nothing? can you imagine complete nothing, like you aren’t anything anymore. or is it heaven/hell or an afterlife, and if so what is the afterlife like. I don’t think it is like the stereotypical clouds and golden gates but what actually happens?

3.       Will Macaulay Culkin be in more movies?
He is so splendidly (fancy word alert) amazing and three of my top favourite films star him
·         My girl
·         Home alone
·         Party monster

4.       How do babies think?
Like they can’t think with words because they don’t know any, so like how to they think things, seriously?

5.       Who actually likes Joan Rivers?
 She is horrible I personally hate her seriously I hate her if she is ever on my TV I will immediately change the channel or leave the room.

6.       Why are Pringle tubes so narrow?
Really they should fix that. loads of their potential customers are large people so why deter them by not allowing them to eat your product

7.       Why terrific is a good word and not a synonym for terrible like horrific/horrible
it makes no sense to me but I might try and start a one girl revolution and use the word the way I think it should be (see example below)
Stranger: help me friend has just been hit by a bus!
Me: oh that’s terrific, I will call 999

8.       I wonder what it will take to get my blog noticed.
 Maybe a super popular friend will show all of their friends, then they will show all of their friends and it will spread all around the world!

9.       Will whole pronouncing with scone ever be resolved?
IT IS SCONE (rhymes with stone)

10.   Why do I love my baby sisters building blocks so much (I love building towers)
It’s actually weird there have been moments where she will have walked off, or is having a nap and I'm still playing with them.

11.   Would custard and Nutella be yummy or hideous?
(same thoughts as the cheesy rice)

Saturday, 3 November 2012

It's Probably Just Me

Is it just me?
This is basically a list of things that I do, various quirks if you will, that I am probably on my own in my actions. but maybe if I share these I will find a lost lonely soul that feels the same way or perhaps people will read this and start doing some of these thing and I will be a trend setter.
like the time I was the first person in my class (and school) to have a new tamagotchi (I would like to clarify this was primary school, or elementary school for my American readers) I wasn’t some kind of crazy manchildwomangirlteen thing like those people who still played with Yu-Gi-Oh cards in secondary/high school.
 just saying I don’t think that there is anything wrong with that and I was semi friends with some of those people sort of, but I just think that secondary/high school is not the place to do it or you will be subject to ridicule from bullies. Anyway I digress lets pull this back to the focus, on with my list.

1.       I drink orange juice from a wine glass to feel fancy

2.       I eat malted milk biscuits and drink super weak Robinsons squash to remind me of nursery (when it was someone’s birthday we would vary this lunch snack by the helper hiding the malted milk under a giant plastic cake letting the person who’s birthday it was pretend to blow out the candles and then lift up the plastic hollow cake to reveal the same plate of biscuits we had every day)

3.       Every big break from school (like summer holiday or Christmas break) I regress in to an old fad from my childhood like Pokémon games or more recently the last summer holiday I started to get in to Disney skate game on GameCube and got really obsessed with it and took it really seriously and ended up getting really close to completing it then summer ended and I never played it again.

4.       I only ever wear one headphone because I get freaked out if I can’t hear myself breath or hear any kind of background noise and I constantly feel like someone is about to sneak up on me and take advantage of the fact I can’t hear them plotting to kidnap me (just kidding I'm too fat to kidnap)

5.       Build up an old childhood memory in my head (for example a TV show I used to watch or something) then look back at it now and realise how shit it was and ruin a small part of my childhood and die inside a bit

6.       Get really in to a certain singer/band/song and listen over and over again then end up hating them/it

7.       Start to read a book get about half way and never finish it because of TV or interweb distractions (I have done this with almost every book since I was 11)

8.       Promise to yourself this blog post wouldn’t be another list and break it every time