Tuesday 25 April 2017

Self care

Do you ever feel yourself getting bad again?

Old habits and coping mechanisms creeping back in?

I think I’m slipping a little, not much. But I’m finding I’m having more bad days then I’ve had in a while. I'm panicking again about things I thought I’d managed to overcome.

 I’m aware that mental health isn’t like a qualification and once you’re in a good place, that’s it and you never have to struggle again. But I can’t help but feel frustrated at myself for slipping.

 I’m eating junk again knowing how hard it was to lose all this weight. (Even as I write this I’m taking a bite of a reduced Easter egg) getting out of bed feel harder again, I’m napping more and not going outside as much.

I cant tell if this is just a blip, maybe a bad week or so and would have happened regardless, or on some subconscious level I’m reverting to old habits because other aspects of my life are changing quite rapidly and I need comfort?

Self-care is something I’ve become more aware of as I try to adjust my mental health and the way I perceive myself in the world, but all my self care and coping strategies involve things that in moderation are fine  (sleep, food, alone time) but too much and it becomes unhealthy. I suppose writing this is helping me realise what I’ve been trying to hide from myself for a while. I am trying to be the best me I can and on days I feel good and motivated it’s easy.

I guess all I’m trying to say in this ramble is I’m struggling for now, but I’m not giving up on myself. Just admitting that its not easy and self-care is harder than it looks from the outside, so if you see someone that is acting not quite themselves, give them time, maybe they have a different way of coping with things then you do, but don’t be afraid to talk about it with them. The more we talk about these issues the less alone people will feel if they need to reach out. I’m extremely lucky I have a fantastic support system of friends and family I can lean on, but not everyone has that, or maybe feels like they don’t.


I’m sure now I have written this and recognise my patterns that I’ll come out the other side in a few days or so, I’m not going to pressure myself to be ok and if I’m not then I’ll ask for help because I know I cant solve everything alone. No one can.

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