Recipe for the perfect British insult
Ok so I have a fairly different set of insults, compared to the uncreative masses that seem to think calling inanimate objects gay makes sense. (I'm pretty sure that they don’t have a sexual preference although my lamp has come on to me a few times and that weird drunken night together just made things awkward) I use these sort of creative insults on a daily basis (mostly used in semi friendly/jokey tone at my sister) and hear is how you can come up with some similar ones to me (because let’s face it you want to be like me as much as you can) so I will give you two lists one of good insulting words and one of various things this person may or may not be or have.
1. Whore
2. Sket
3. Slag
4. cum
5. Bitch
6. Wanker
7. arse
8. douche
9. Ho
10. anus
11. ass
12. cock
13. tit/tits
14. cunt
15. dick
16. fuck
17. Wank
List 2
1. Bag
2. Hat
3. Face
4. Sundae
5. Suit/tuxedo (class up your insults)
6. Balloon
7. Pile
8. Monkey/bear/butterfly (any animal really)
9. Mobile
10. Rainbow
11. Tie
12. Sandwich
13. Remix
My favourites are: slag tuxedo, tit balloon, dick rainbow and cum butterfly.