Saturday 18 August 2012

Wiggles the time traveling dinosaur

A letter to myself from the future
So I wrote this in fifty years’ time, and I thought I would share with you what happens in the future which is the present, but soon to be the past after the now…. anyway on with the letter.

Hey Bridie,
I am writing this letter old school style, because something extremely important has happened and the battery on my laptop died. technology is still shit (big shocker you would think after fifty years batteries would last more than a couple hours). But back to the point, I have written to tell you that….. wait for it……………… time travel is possible (awesome I know right) and it turns out you invented it, that is why your reading this letter I left in the fridge. by the way don’t drink the milk… you already did it didn’t you.. oh well anyway spit out the milk lumps in your mouth and focus. I thought I would give this letter to you to make the whole ruling the world thing a lot lot easier, I have gone back and managed to captured a Diplodocus. this will be crucial to ruling the world, I have hidden it just of the coast of Brighton near the pier, don’t worry its wearing a scuba mask so it should be good for a couple decades until you need it. I also called it wiggles, but I'm getting off track I will go in to more details about wiggles later.
Ruling the world is so simple, I can’t believe no one thought of it sooner I mean it’s so obvious. Seriously, you have to be a moron not to know how to do it. But I can’t write it on here because if I know us we will put it on our blog. (Which, by the way gets us super famous and rich, like we always dreamed). so to rule the world you have you invent time travel. to keep it brief the things you will need are
·         A plate of turkey dinosaurs (don’t show them to wiggles it turns in to a whole ugly thing. trust me)
·         Some stopwatches
·         An old school Gameboy with  Pokémon blue
·         A Diana Ross cd (Without the Supremes, I liked her better with them too but this recipe is very specific)
·         A bucket of assorted coloured golf balls
·         A toaster
·         3 tags ripped off mattresses
·         And a light lunch and a glass of orange juice(not for the time machine just in case you get hungry while your working)
With these simple items you can transform just about any vehicle in to a time machine (except a DeLorean for copyright reasons.)
For more information on time travel you will have to wait for our quadruple platinum album to come out in 6 months and play track 6 backwards. this will give you direction of where to meet me and I will help you from there. I will also be carrying 3 Pokémon for you to pick one and start your journey to be the greatest Pokémon master
Lots of love Bridie
P.S. we are awesome

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