Tuesday 14 August 2012

Hidden secrets deep within

Ok, I thought this was a good time to tell you an awesome story that is along the same line as fifty shades of grey (I assume having never read it and I am also guessing that my story will out sell E. L. James and I will be a billionaire and be friends with Beyoncé), so this story is something I wrote in my first year of college with my friend Alex. It all started because we were helping my other friend Katie create cover art for the book she was writing at the time called Hidden secrets deep within. and then we saw someone on a computer opposite writing a story about a fairy. so we did what all good writers do and stole both the ideas and mashed them together and made a completely insane super awesome story of nonsensical cool pie, with a side of rainbow juice. (Rainbow juice sounds delicious)
 If you were in my acting class in college you might remember it but probably not, unless this story was a big poignant moment in your life if so thanks or maybe you should thank me either way this is it.

Hidden secrets deep within

There once was a fairy called Katie (in absolutely, positively no relation to Katie Reynolds at all… and we did not steal her title either). She lived in a very pretty cottage even though she was really ugly. She decided to marry her retarded cousin, whose name was Johnavitch the third. Johnavitch’s mother was Queen Elizabeth I. Johnavitch had a secret deep within, only a few amount of people knew. Johnavitch was born in the 18th century no one knows exactly when, you see his secret deep within is that he is a VAMPIRE!!
So one day after Katie (again, not referring to Katie Reynolds) and Johnavitch had supper, Chinese boys dipped in tomato ketchup. Johnavitch bit Katie and she was pregnant … (yes that’s how it works!) seven years later, Katie the fairy gave birth to 676 children. The only boy who spawned from the ugly fairy and the vampire had homosexual tendencies. He was also a witch  :O
This witch was called peter he then killed the whole family, all 675 of his siblings and his parents because they all inherited the ugly gene from their mother. Also the children were ginger … EWW?!

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