Wednesday 6 June 2012

Fan Mail

So I'm feeling much better today and wanted to write something good for you all. I mean the last thing the internet needs is another whiny kid talking about first world problems, like anyone gives a shit.

So I was going through my fan mail today (just kidding no one reads this blog) and after reading the thousands of letters, I came across the same question in most of them. So I thought I would show you the kind of thing people are writing.
(This is a real letter I received. it is in no way written by me and to think such a thing would be ridiculous.)
Dear Bridie,
First of all I would like to say I love you, your blog has changed my life. I wish I was just one fraction as cool as you, it would make my life would complete. But I have to ask you this, blog is so amazing but how did you think of such an incredible blog name to match its awesomenessitudeocity? Because my blog is awful.
(P.S. I want to marry you and have your babies. Please find enclosed three eyelashes and a naked picture of me.)
Lots of love and eternal admiration
Tiffany xxxx
(Not Bridie)

Well tiff I thought I would answer you because to be quite frank. I’m worried about your growing obsession with me and hopefully if I write back to you won’t hold my Nan for ransom anymore (we just want her home safe)
To start with the naked picture was extremely disturbing and stop sending them immediately (I would do anything to un-see that image) but let’s get to the other more important issues in your letter (and by more important I mean to do with me) honestly your blog with never compare so give up now and just focus on reading mine. But to answer your question about the title I thought of it because most things in my blog are based on actual events (much like this one) but the occasional detail may be slightly completely made up, so that is how I thought of my title now please leave me and my family alone and send my nan home .

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