Friday 1 June 2012

The Fighter

"The happiest people don't have the best thing of everything, the just make the best of everything they have."

So today I listened to the fighter by gym class heroes (one of my favourite groups atm) and about halfway through the song I heard the line, I had heard a million times before and just sort of ignored. “We’re gonna live life till we’re dead” but this particular time I thought about it and it started a train of thought about getting older.

How everything fades. Looks, fame, talent, friends and memories besides even if you accomplished everything in life and it was perfect and everybody cared about you. in the end does it matter I mean we all die and will all get forgotten and all that we accomplished in life we can’t take it with us so why do millions of kids everyday dream of being famous (myself included) but why I don’t know it won’t matter even if I or anyone who dreams of fame achieved it and had millions of adoring fans isn’t it more of a burden then a blessing I mean look at Diana or
·         Michael Jackson
·         Lindsay Lohan
·         Judy Garland
·         Britney Spears
·         Gary Coleman
Or any other high profile celebrity. So many have had their lives fucked up, by fame and money. look at how it has messed them up anyway slightly off topic my point was what’s the point?
(By the way I know what I just said, wasn’t the point of the song. but it just got me thinking)

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