Friday 15 June 2012

Things I would do with loads of money and a giant house

Yeah it’s been a while since I had a post I actually like, but hey I'm boring and hate most of my ideas.
So lately I've been bored and wanted a new hobby or something. I've thought about getting a turtle like the one of my name is earl and calling it Mr turtle but I looked in to it and it seems like a lot of work,  so I think I'm going to hold off for a while until I'm rich enough for butlers.
I can’t wait until I'm rich (it’s a when not an if) this blog will get me rich somehow if not then I will just fall back on to the super reliable and easy industry of acting (jk I have no talent)
I think being the manger of a famous person would probably be better than being famous because you get all the perks, like backstage access (don’t be dirty), going to famous parties, premiers and loads of money. but you wouldn’t be followed around by paparazzi and then if the person you manage stops being successful you can move to the next person. All that said I think being famous would still be fun .
Things I would do with loads of money and a giant house
1.       Have an etch a sketch wall
2.       Have a proper massive home cinema
3.       3 person Human chess set (see big bang theory)
4.       Buy my mum, dad, Nan and granddad whatever they want.
5.       Fund research in to making Pokémon real
6.       Have a private holographic Michael Jackson concert for my birthday
7.       A series of secret tunnels in my house. actually I might just have a house underground and you have to down a tunnel to get to it then I could go with a whole theme like Alice in wonderland (like Graceland or Neverland) then I could have crazy shit like sofas on the ceiling and slide stairs and go mental and just run with that theme.
8.       Have an arcade with tickets (so I could get prizes)
9.       Start my own shoe design company
10.   Hire I personal trainer
11.   Bribe people to get shit done (secret shit)
12.   Get everything on this site (
13.   Get someone in charge of diff’rent strokes to get that shit on Dvd
14.   Buy all the Dvds I have ever wanted
15.   Get someone to organize all the stuff I can’t be fucked to
(Aside from all this stuff which is really expensive I would probably do some stuff like bake cookies and chill because the life I described with the stuff above sounds a bit stressful)
i think i would also hire a really strong person to hang around with me but to act really weak so i seem super strong in comparison

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